American Heritage Girls

What is American Heritage Girls All About?

Just take a look at some of the fun we've had! Camping, Horseback Riding, Field Trips, Do-It-Yourself Skills... the list goes on and on!

The Best part about AHG is we weave our Catholic faith into our entire program! AHG teaches girls strong leadership skills with a foundation of faith!

Service is part of who we are and we give back to our parish community, partnering with Knights of Columbus, Respect Life Committee, St. Vincent DePaul and our School!

We're family/parish oriented and siblings and girls of all ages in our parish have fun together!

See the entire list of 92 badges available to AHG girls.

Read more about AHG's Catholic Committee's mission of building strong women of faith.

To learn more about American Heritage Girls, please visit their website: OR email us at