40 Days for Life


Do you believe in the power of prayer? .

Immacolata has participated in 23 consecutive 40 Days for Life prayer campaigns since 2012. Our own parishioners have personally witness an amazing 23 turnarounds – 23 lives changed – by peaceful prayer. For example, in the spring of 2013, 4 couples left Planned Parenthood and received free ultrasounds across the street at Knights of Columbus’ ultrasound bus. A parishioner saw one of them roll down their window and announce with big smiles that they were keeping their baby! Worldwide 40 Days for Life has saved 22,031 lives!

What is 40 Days for Life?

Peaceful prayer outside the abortion clinic.

Where is it at?

Planned Parenthood in Fairview Heights, Illinois We will park at the 40 Days for Life (331 Salem Place Suite 170) and walk across the street to Planned Parenthood sidewalk.

When is it?

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 There will be 2 sessions meeting at Immacolata to carpool. The morning one meets at 9 am and returns by 11:30 am. The next one meets at 11:15 am and returns by 2 pm. If you would rather drive yourself, please indicate that when you sign up for first or second session. If you want to volunteer to drive others, please indicate HOW MANY YOU COULD TAKE.

Absolutely no political activity is involved – just peaceful prayer.

Trained sidewalk counselors will be offering free practical assistance to men and women in crisis, including free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and follow up support.

Questions? Want to get involved?

Contact Paula Juelich at juelich@juno.com, see www.coalitionforlifestl.com or www.40daysforlife.com for more information, or sign up on sheets in back of church.

Did you know there is healing after abortion?

A Healing Ministry of Archdiocese of St Louis

Hopeline call or text 314-406-0815
